School ERP (SERP) is a Solution not Software. Considering the current ICT trend, worldwide digital advancement and complex management architecture, we offer you a Complete Management Solution which is a blessing to those smart leaders who run their schools and colleges digitally and ensure smart education. SERP will also ensure your secure position in the education arena by grabbing opportunities effectively. This lucrative and customizable Web Based Software Solution can be handled by anyone with basic IT knowledge and it generates essential reports at anytime from anywhere in the world. For More:

Features of the product:
- Academic Information:Education Board: Edexcel, Cambridge etc, Curriculum & Session, Class Schedule/ Routine Management, Teacher Assign, Substitute Teacher, Batch Creation)
- Student Information: (Student Personal Info, Student Picker info, Parents info, Guardian info, Student's Disability, Student's Food-Medicine-Restrictions-Allergies & others)
- Admission/ Re-admission:(Student Admission into a Class, Student Re-Admission, Subject Taken, Teacher Info, Make-up Class)
- Examination and Result: (Exam Marks Entry, Grade Sheet Print, Report Card Print, Co-Scholastics Activities Report)
- Scholarship/ Waiver: (Student Scholarship, Tuition Waiver, Student Avail Transport info, Student Payment Scheme, Create Payable)
- Student Transportation System: (Avail Transport, Transport Payment Report, Transport Due List)
- Students Accounts: (Student Payment Scheme and Payable, Student Payment Collection, Daily Collection Report, Date-wise Collection Report, Head-wise Collection Report)
- Financial Accounts:(Chart of Accounts, Payment Voucher, Receive Voucher, Journal Voucher, Balance Sheet, Trail Balance)
Benefits of the Product
- Customizable
- User Friendly
- SInternational Standard
- Web Based

- Provide IT Solution for smooth operation
- Can deal more than one Branch
- Minimal Operational Cost
- Able to perform as SAAS
Representative Clients
- Daffodil International School-Dhanmondi Branch
- Daffodil International School-Uttara Branch
- Daffodil International School-Chadpur Branch
- Number of installation/ client: 3
- Target Industry: English Medium and Bangle Medium Schools, Collages and any other Educational Organization
-Vice-Principle, Daffodil International School (DIS)